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Tasker lets you organize all the things you need to knock off your to-do list with due dates, categories, progress indicators, and notes. Whether you need to keep track of homework, business or any other deadline or due date, Tasker remembers everything for you so that you can keep your mind clear and get everything done on time.
Tasker is an app I made during the last week of Winter break in 2014. It’s still a work in progress, so there’s a lot of stuff I could add to it. I quickly whipped it up using Core Data and the very standard tabled interface. It’s quite useful for me at school, where I can’t keep track of everything I have to do!
I think that adding local notifications for reminders and summaries for a particular day would be useful.
It’s been on the App Store for about 3 weeks now, and I’ve pushed an update that has some default information. The next update will probably include reminders/notifications. Since then, this app has seen 3K+ downloads at a price of $0.99, which I’m very proud of!